Special Olympics Ontario came to Universus with a challenge. Their traditional way of recognizing volunteers during Volunteer Week each April just wasn’t cutting it. So Universus developed “Why I Volunteer”: a fully integrated social media, digital marketing and video campaign to recognize volunteers, and showcase all the reasons someone might volunteer for the organization. We developed a digital toolkit that was housed on a microsite that made it easy for volunteers to engage and download campaign assets they could post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
An emotional “Moments” video was the centerpiece of a microsite to help set the tone for the campaign. The campaign was designed so that each volunteer could find a way to express their own personal reason for volunteering.
Special Olympics Ontario brought the campaign forward to the national organization and it was then adapted into a national bilingual campaign for Special Olympics Canada. The campaign achieved its goal of paying tribute to volunteers, but it also celebrated the athletes and helped to recruit more volunteers.