Special Olympics Ontario is a small not-for-profit with a big impact. They needed an agency as agile as they are and found in Universus a reliable partner who believes in and supports the cause.

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Volunteer Recognition social campaign

Special Olympics Ontario came to Universus with a challenge. Their traditional way of recognizing volunteers during Volunteer Week each April just wasn’t cutting it. So Universus developed “Why I Volunteer”: a fully integrated social media, digital marketing and video campaign to recognize volunteers, and showcase all the reasons someone might volunteer for the organization. We developed a digital toolkit that was housed on a microsite that made it easy for volunteers to engage and download campaign assets they could post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

An emotional “Moments” video was the centerpiece of a microsite to help set the tone for the campaign. The campaign was designed so that each volunteer could find a way to express their own personal reason for volunteering.

Special Olympics Ontario brought the campaign forward to the national organization and it was then adapted into a national bilingual campaign for Special Olympics Canada. The campaign achieved its goal of paying tribute to volunteers, but it also celebrated the athletes and helped to recruit more volunteers.

Interactive annual report

Special Olympics Ontario needed a way to share the impact of their 2022 campaigns and programs in a way that was widely available to all its stakeholders, including donors and volunteers and Athletes. It was important to not only demonstrate the work that they had done, but also its impact. Viewers needed to have a strong sense of how the non-profit organization makes a difference.

We designed a landing page full of rich content to tell the complete Special Olympics Ontario story — above and beyond their financials — by using a mix of copy, visuals and video. The landing page captured all the key elements, including details on programs and awards, while offering viewers the opportunity to explore the content more deeply with testimonials and impact statements.

And it was all completed to meet a tight in-market date thanks to outstanding account management and diligent project management.

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